Callum Au is a British composer, arranger, musical director and trombonist. He writes music across a wide range of genres, with a particular passion for big band and large jazz ensemble music. He is highly regarded for his stylistic awareness and versatility, and has worked with some of the world’s biggest artists, including artists, including Michael Bublé, RAYE, and the Metropole Orkest.
Over the past 15 years, Callum has established himself as one of the busiest arrangers and orchestrators in the country. He has worked alongside many of the world’s top commercial artists as a composer and arranger.
– full of invention, talent, virtuosity, passion and an overwhelming feeling that a large collective of musicians were all in absolute unison and enjoying every minute of it… as indeed every listener should, as well.
Parliamentary Jazz Awards
‘Album of the Year’ 2021
Au clearly possesses his own 24-carat storytelling gift.
Peter Quinn
Callum Au is an extraordinarily gifted musician. His ability to write and arrange with such sensitivity and depth of emotion is breathtaking and his knowledge base is wide, sophisticated and deeply impressive. Callum understands and respects lyrics and always beautifully frames singers to let them shine. What a joy to work with him and to witness his star ascending.
Claire Martin, OBE
…the remarkable young arranger Callum Au is already a master [of the] mysterious art of orchestration and arranging.
Dave Gelly
The Observer
Over the past six years, Callum Au has become my most trusted musical collaborator. A musician’s musician, he is the consummate arranger/orchestrator who can take any idea and run with it — never ceasing to amaze! In an era short on Nelson Riddles, Callum remains peerless — filling this void with his own remarkable style, taste and musicality.
Matt Forbes
These are the songs and stories you are unlikely to ever tire of listening to. Callum Au, with his bright, scintillating arrangements has achieved the near impossible, turning 11 sturdy but well-worn standards into fresh music.
Derek Ansell
Jazz Journal
Callum is an astonishingly gifted musician. He is able to produce world-class arranging for any ensemble at lightning speed. I have in the past commissioned him at 10.30 in the morning or thereabouts and had a set of parts beautifully copied out by the start of the bandcall at 4 on the same day. Similar standards apply to his trombone playing. A seemingly effortless technique is backed up by flawless reading and ear playing. Best of all, he’s a really generous musician, who revels in developing the skills of those around him. And he knows a lot about food.
Pete Long
musician / band leader
This album [Songs And Stories] is a glorious thing, with incredible instrumental and vocal performances. Filled with beautifully balanced and nuanced orchestrations, as a fellow orchestrator, I am full of admiration for Callum Au.
Rachel Portman OBE
composer / orchestrator
Ultimate Big Band Toolkit
The Musician’s Guide to the Big Band by Louis Dowdeswell & Callum Au
available for Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Drums, Bass, Guitar and Piano – contains PDF eBook with Short Guide, world-class tutor instructions, audio and a bonus album ‘On Stage!’
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We’re looking forward to hearing from you and will do our best to respond promptly. For any messages addressed to Callum directly, please understand that he will not always be able to respond in person.